I've decided that blogging without a blog is no longer allowed. It's not fair that you get to know about everyone else's life, but no one gets to know about yours. (And you know who you are). That is why I've decided to take control of the situation by just starting people blogs for them, so they have no excuse not to use it. So, I've started this blog for my in-laws with hopes that they'll use it faithfully. We'll see if it works...

Love ya!
I didn't know you had a blog! How exciting! Hopefully you update more than Jane and Al...
Sweet- I am so excited about your blog!! Thanks for the comment to me "Brother White"- you always make me feel special!
Yeah!!!! We can't wait for you to update. Now we can stalk you guys!
Welcome to the world of blogging. Can't wait to for the update. Talk to you later.
Sweet blog, you guys! Way to bridge the generation gap with technology...I am proud to know you.
Great! You're blogging. The hardest thing is to make post often which I get harassed often for not doing. I got your comments and I appreciated both of them. That wasn't Jennifer's first time riding a bike but she was acting like a little kid with how excited she was. I'm glad Julie liked my Ant story.
Okay Mark and Julie, I can't figure out how to get your email on here so if you send me an email at mrsbrittanyrobertson@yahoo.com I will add you to our blog. If you want of course, no pressure.
Soooo............................................ we're waiting.
i love that you guys have started a blog! sooo cute! send me your email so i can add you to our blog since you pay more attention to it than my dad i hear! ;)
I love all your comments Mark! You're funny
I'm sorry i had to break it to you that there are women out there who aren't as polite as your sweet wife. Yes, some of us fart :(
still waiting....
We're waiting for an update. We're glad we got to meet you guys, we love your family!
Still waiting for an update on you guys :)
Congratulations to you Grandparents!!!! Maddie is a beauty!
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